Monday, May 26, 2008

a Talk of Rubbish just testing what is blog.......

Day 1,26 mei 08,
I just skip my second clazz Strategic mgt.I dont know why.
Must b'coz of this new addict maybe.
This is my first time i write ina blog.Mcm best..we will see.....
What to write??
An introduction?
Iam normal+A little hyperforce+Iman+ superb Creative+Touching+Energetic+dare to fail twice+Kipas SusahMaTi+luv makan spegeti+poor cooker person.Interested to start business such create my own restaurent that collect all the most famous food,multivariety type and affordable to everyone pluss has the finnest quality of food.Iam Economic and business type of thingking person pluss a little basic knoladge of science.huhuhu.Sound wiear right but its true.The story begin a long2 time ago.At first i want to be a saintist.Ilove sophisticated gadget,like light saber from starwar.wahahaha.My dream are iwant to create Cool "robot" like tranformer or Gundam Mobil Suit and bla..bla..bla but my life change when iam forced to enter An Account+Business world by my form 4 school Teacher AKA coodinator because my math is c....geram tul.My science always a what.but bcoz of her(The form 4 coordinator la),i cannot fullfill my first "Destiny".and it really such a waste to the nation,the world to lost a superb and potentional Class S Scientis wahahah...(Evil laugh).N Thank to the "Cikgu" lah."Congratulate laa ek cikgu,b'coz u just lost 1 Potential scientist for the country"..iam very frustrated.Arghh....If i have the power like goku a already destroy the world b'coz very sgt2 frusterated.Maybe i can achive the 3rd level of Saiya power when iam mad ,I think.(hoho)...But all thing that happend have the "Hikmah la" maybe said the old folk.Maybe iam not talented to became a scientist.Maybe its is not my path or destiny as writen by faith.Tah..Who knows>No want know.I bet agent Mulder and Scully also cannot solve this riddle.Only god know what the best for me...Now eventhough iam in business world,i finnaly realize maybe my path is not same like my dream.Now iam an economist.Abusiness economist.I have trumandious business and science ideas to be implemented.We will the time u heard fullmetal economst name.i will be around with him......

by XOXO gossip Girl..


nadiah saad said...

a rubbish good 2 keep in here while escaping from sm class n layan- ing ur addiction,,haih haih muz,, pastu tgh2 mlm tyer org pasal asgment,,

AishahRahman said...

Muzx sejak ada GF ni manjang ponteng kelas....